Tuesday, October 17, 2006

City of Edmonton has gone NUTS!

On my way home from work, I was listening to 630 CHED as I often do. I was apalled appon hearing that our city council is suggesting a 9.8% property tax hike for the 2007 budget! Are they out of their %$@#&* minds? I'm fairly sure that this will be no where near the actual increase, however I for one am going to let them know how unexceptable this is. They better take a very hard look at their budget and do some serious thinking about it. I can guarentee that those whom support this will not see the light of day come the next municipal election.

I must point out that not everyone in Alberta is rolling in dough as many seem to think. Perhaps if I were one of those folks I would not care. Perhaps if my parents were not on a fixed income, I would not care. Perhaps if I was one of those well above average income earning councillors or the mayor, I would not care.

I suggest every citizen of Edmonton show your outrage and call or write your councillor and Mayor Stephen Mandel NOW!

Just so you don't have an excuse not to. Follow the links!
Mayor Mandel

You can also send an email to all of them at once via an online form available HERE

Cross posted at TABaker