Friday, December 02, 2005

Bloggers Edmonton Needs a New Belt

Like a stomach after Christmas turkey, Bloggers Edmonton has grown larger yet, with not one but TWO new additions in the area of politics.

Le Revue Gauche is a site of a different color, run by Eugene with whom I have had the pleasure of a few debates which are normally pretty interesting. Eugene brings the communist vision with him into a debate, which when styled after certain past leaders has actually been advantageous to some countries, in some ways at least. Welcome Eugene

I Pretend My Name Is Devendra is going to give us political junkies a tough time with all of our constant drivel !!! You see, this site is run by a Political Science major at Grant MacKewan. Devendra is new to the blogging scene and getting the hang of posting before she shows us all up with his scholastic genius. Careful Devendra, us old dogs are pretty By the way Devendra, if you ever see a contractor working on the blinds or projection screens at Grant MacKewan, stop and say hi, that's me.

Make sure you stop by and give the new members a big hello......